

Covid-19 and Ministry at FBC

We are committed to continue God’s mission for the church: to help one another grow in Christ, proclaiming the good news in our lives, actions and words.

At the same time, we take seriously the need to show the love of God for one another in the church and in the wider community by following the best known health practices to minimize the spread of Covid-19.

As with so many other parts of our lives in this time, this means adapting how we carry out our mission together, remaining connected, flexible and faithful in the process.

Online Ministry Options:

We recognize that for multiple reasons, online participation may be the best way for some to participate in worship, small groups and meetings.

Our Worship service is and will continue to be livestreamed through YouTube, and we continue to work on ways we can make this as participatory an experience as possible.

We offer a short daily Video Devotional on our YouTube channel.

Several Small Groups and Classes are meeting online or in a blend of online and in-person gatherings.  Check the weekly eLink post for the latest information on what is coming up.  Classes are not currently meeting on Sunday morning.

We are developing a number of online resources through our YouTube Channel:

Previous Worship Services

Daily Devotional recordings

Books With Beverly for younger children

LOGOS Videos

Youth Devotionals with Allison

In-Person Connections:

We also recognize the importance of seeing and hearing one another face to face, and the sense of being ‘in the same place’ physically.  We want to provide those opportunities while caring for one another’s health at the same time.

Our policies on in-person gatherings are aligned with the guidelines from the Illinois Department of Public Health and best practices drawn from religious and health experts across the country.  This also means that if the conditions in Illinois and McLean county change, we will continue to modify these options.

Note: We are currently meeting for worship online only due to coronavirus mitigation.  

When in person, Indoor worship attendance is limited to 50 in the sanctuary, with an overflow in Barker Hall that has a capacity of 45.

Check the eLink and Calendar for details.

To participate in person in worship or in a small group or meeting:  

* Masks are required inside the church building while others are present, and encouraged whenever interacting with others inside or outside.  This is an act of loving respect to others, to reduce the chance of accidentally and unknowingly spreading illness.  Free masks are available at the entrance to the church.

* Practice social distancing; seeking to maintain 6′ distance (4 cubits for the Biblically-minded) between different individuals/family groups.

* Hand-washing and refraining from touching one’s face while interacting with others remains good advice.

* We are asking everyone (from staff to church family), to participate from home if they are feeling unwell or experiencing any of the symptoms of Covid-19.

Facility Updates:

* Hand sanitizer is available in every classroom and in the entryway.

* Supplies are provided for cleaning the area after use, and the campus manager has increased the cleaning schedule after the building is used.

* Pews have been rearranged in the sanctuary to facilitate social distancing during in-person worship services.

* Only classrooms large enough to accommodate social distancing are open for regular use through the week.

Three ways to help:

Be in prayer for our community and especially those impacted physically, economically and socially by this coronavirus outbreak. Prayer is an act of trust in God who is aware and moving in the midst of these circumstances.

Stay connected and compassionate. We will be working to provide ways to connect and encourage one another even as we cannot meet in person.  Please consider ways to call and check in on those who may be more isolated, experiencing anxiety or distress in this time.  May our times of prayer be opportunities where we allow God to speak and direct us and our hearts toward God and toward others.

Please continue to engage in and support the mission of the church as you are able. We will need everyone’s continued personal and financial engagement and support as we seek to provide ministry care for the church and community.  Checks can be sent in to the church, and online donations can be made through the website.  We do know that the financial effects of this outbreak are touching many lives – if you are experiencing difficulties or need assistance, please let Pastor Brian know.

Coronavirus Resources:

CDC Website on Coronavirus

What to do if you are in a high risk group

Steps to Prevent Illness

IDPH Coronavirus Response