Church In Bloomington

church in bloomington

Becoming a Covenant Member of FBC.

What is a ‘Covenant Member’?

What does it mean to be a “covenant member” of the First Baptist Church in Bloomington? When you enter a covenant with someone, you are making a solemn pledge or promise before God. (Marriage is a covenant, for example.) When a person decides to become a covenant member of our church, we ask him or her to be intentional about being involved with our church in Bloomington: We ask that person to pledge to be a true part of the community.

This is not a pledge of attendance; it’s a pledge of relationship and generosity. Although we want you to come to events and meet with others, attendance itself is never our goal. Our goal is that you would invest yourself in your relationship with God and with others in our community in a deliberate way—whether it’s with through your time, talents, money or heart.

A tree with deep roots can grow strong and fruitful. In the same way, we hope that you will develop deep roots in our community and flourish.

Who can be a member?

Anyone who believes and follows Jesus Christ can become a member of the First Baptist Church in Bloomington. If you don’t know what it means to follow Christ, or if you want to give your life to the Lord, Please Visit This Page.

What can a member do that a non-member cannot?

Those who are non-members may not serve as a committee chair or as a deacon. As these are decisive leadership positions in the church, we believe it is wise for them to be filled by committed members of the church.

Sign up for a Member Class!

If you are interested in becoming a member of our church in Bloomington, or in learning more about our beliefs, programs and leaders, we offer a class for newcomers called FBCB 101. This is a great opportunity for those interested in learning more. To sign up, please Email The Church Office or call 309-662-4253!