Since 2001, the Koinonia Adult small group has provided a nutritious hot meal to the transitory residents of the Salvation Army Safe Harbor Shelter. Former teacher Stanley Lantz challenged these young adults to not only “do the talk” but to “do the walk” of Christian discipleship. His challenge was met with enthusiasm by these now not-so-young adults. Now, several of their children who are adults have joined them in this local mission project.
Currently on the 4th Sunday of each month, five or six members of this group prepare ham, green beans, wild rice, mandarin oranges, corn bread, brownies, and lemonade to serve 50+ homeless men, women, and children who come to enjoy the dinner. Members of the group fund and purchase the items themselves.
“I know taking a few hours out of my comfortable life isn’t much, but it reminds me of the men and women who are not as fortunate as I am here in our affluent community. There are some repeaters month-to-month but, for the most part, there are new faces each time I cook or serve. It is very humbling.” Becky Strack
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