Sunday BibleStudy

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First Baptist Church

Latest News & Worship Information

               October 20 - 27 Scripture this week: Hebrews 7:23-28 (Click to join live stream)​     Upcoming at...

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First Baptist Church

Wednesdays at First Baptist Church – Starting September 25!

Wednesday Evening Schedule  3:30 pm- 4:20 pm Optional Homework/ Quiet Time for students  4:20 pm- LOGOS program begins for Children / youth 5:15 pm Vespers...

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First Baptist Church

Upcoming Vespers Themes & Meals: 

September 11 - Speaker: Michelle Wiggins / Meal: Dinner Outing - meet at College AV Dairy Queen September 18 - Speaker: Allison Benton / Meal:...

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First Baptist Church

Our Vision

FBC is called to:

  • Participate in the new life in Christ.
  • Embody God’s transforming love.
  • Serve Christ in the least and forgotten of our world.
  • Invite all people to participate in new life with Jesus Christ.
  • Live as citizens of Christ’s kingdom that is coming into the world.

We invite you to join us as we seek to live out our vision.

A Living Faith

Seeking a faith that is alive, we practice worship, community, devotions and service.

Stories of Faith in Christ

Read stories of change and of growth from people following Christ at FBC.

"Blessed are they who mourn, for they shall be comforted" (Matthew 5:4) The Beatitudes, or the Sermon on the Mount has to be one

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When my little girl gets excited, she raises her eyebrows and makes a strongman, straining smiley face or runs around shaking her hands in

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God has been my support even before I even realized He was there. I was too young to see His presence in my life

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I recently turned 50, and it has been kind of a shock to my self-concept. I’ve had such a long time to get used

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I was 36 years old, recently divorced with three daughters ages 3, 6, and 11, unemployed, and homeless. My parents now lived in Colorado;

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