Dr Sharon Huff

Dr. Sharon (Sharie) Huff is well known to the FBC family with her long history of participation in the life of the church and leadership in music. Music is a deeply held value of hers, not only as a historically important expression of worship, but as a focal point that brings people together in community.

She received her bachelors’ degree at ISU, and a Masters Degree in Music and Doctorate in Musical Arts from the University of Illinois, Urbana. She has taught and led music throughout her career in many different contexts and working with people of all ages. Likewise, she has extensive experience in the leading and administration of organizations promoting music and education and continues to serve as the Director of the Brass Band of Central Illinois and as the Treasurer of the International Women’s Brass Conference.

Dr. Sharon Huff brings deep experience and giftedness to the ministry of the church, and we are excited to have her leadership as the Choir Director of First Baptist Church.


What's one of your favorite Scriptures or Bible stories and why?

I have always loved the story of Noah’s Ark, because I can imagine all those animals mingling together in that huge vessel.  I love how Noah puts all his trust in God, despite the naysayers around him.  I also enjoy the thought of a new start for everyone, much as I enjoy the description in Revelation 3 and 21 of the “New Jerusalem” where people will dwell with God for 1000 years, and where God will make all things new, wipe away every tear, eliminate pain, death, crying, and sorrow, and there will be no more of the former things.  

Describe your "perfect" day.

I find myself most rejuvenated when I get up early after a good night’s sleep and go hiking in nature with friends while staying in Door County. Other activities in a “perfect” day, would include biking in Peninsula State Park when the Forget-Me-Nots are blooming and stumbling across a patch of morel mushrooms hiding within the Yellow Ladyslippers.  An afternoon pontoon boat ride and dinner somewhere with a view of Lake Michigan completes the day!

What are your top three favorite books or movies?

Favorite movies include:  Sound of Music (the “old one” with Julie Andrews”), The Proposal, The Sting, It’s a Wonderful Life, The Wizard of Oz, Freaky Friday, and so many others! I also enjoy the Star Wars and Star Trek franchises.  

Favorite books include:  Christy, Anne of Green Gables, Eats Shoots and Leaves, Gone with the Wind, and pretty much anything by Janet Evanovich, Harlen Coben or David Baldacci.

What's your favorite family tradition?

Getting together to celebrate family members’ birthdays with cake, ice cream, cards, and gifts.