Latest News & Worship Information

               October 20 – 27

Scripture this week: Mark 10:35-45

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Upcoming at FBC: 

Remember — To make sure your event is added to the eLink calendar, please make sure dates and times are sent to the office no later than Wednesday of each week

SUNDAY, October 20
Coffee & Conversation @ 9:30 & 11 am
Worship Service @ 10:00 am
FBC Small Groups @ 11:15 am
Praise Team Rehearsal @ 11:15 am
Trunk or Treat @ 4:00 pm

MONDAY, October 21
Ukulele Jam @ 5:15 pm

WEDNESDAY, October 23
Optional Homework/ Quiet Time @ 3:30 pm
LOGOS @ 4:20 pm  
Vespers @ 5:15 pm
Adult Small Groups @ 5:40 pm

THURSDAY, October 24
Feeding the Soul Meeting @ 3:00 pm

SUNDAY, October 27
Coffee & Conversation @ 9:30 & 11 am
Worship Service @ 10:00 am
FBC Small Groups @ 11:15 am
Newcomer Luncheon @ 11:15 am
Safe Harbor @ 5:00 pm
Zoom Study  (Zoom)


Ministry & Events: 

Trunk-orTreat Sunday, October 20th 4-6pm.
Thank you to all those who plan to have cars and volunteer Sunday! If you still want to contribute to the event, a few more bags of candy would be welcomed.

How to assist the people affected by Disasters
There are many people suffering right now. Prayers are always appreciated and needed however, here are some links sharing what is being done and how to offer help if you are so inclined. Thank you
Disaster Relief
IM Responds to Humanitarian Crisis in Lebanon
IM to Appeal for Disaster Relief Funds for Thailand

Connecting Children in Worship
Starting today, we have supplies for children and youth to help engage with the worship service.  Look for a table in Barker Hall with busy bags and crayons for younger children, along with activity sheets connecting to the themes of worship that Sunday.  Journals with writing prompts will be available, and for those who listen best while having something to do with their hands, a basket of ‘fidget’ toys will be available.
Nursery care remains available throughout the service for infants and toddlers, please ask an usher or greeter for information. 

Volunteer Opportunity
Faith in Action is seeking individuals or teams to get out in the fresh air during the 2nd and 3rd weeks of November to rake care receivers’ yards.  We will be focusing on the weekends of Nov.9/10th and Nov.16/17th, but your group chooses when to do the raking or leaf blowing – it does not have to be on the weekend.  Faith in Action will supply the names and contact information of older adults who have requested this service. Volunteer leaf rakers/groups should plan to bring their own rakes, blowers and gloves.  Tarps are also helpful. To sign up contact Stacy or 309-827-7780


Read Through the Bible
On the last Sunday of each month, we will have a 6 pm (Zoom) check-in to discuss the readings, your observations and questions. Don’t forget to send in your questions to





Supporting the Ministry Together: 


Contact Us: 

Office Hours
Mon. -Thurs.– 9 am -1:30 pm.; Fri: 9 am – 11 am

Office Phone – (309)-662-4253
Church Office: 309-662-4253
Pastor Brian:
LOGOS Director:
Vespers Coordinator & Praise Team Leader:

Upcoming Vespers Themes & Meals: 

September 11 – Speaker: Michelle Wiggins / Meal: Dinner Outing – meet at College AV Dairy Queen

September 18 – Speaker: Allison Benton / Meal: Breakfast for dinner!

Starting September 25, the Vespers service will have a new time & format:

  • Prayer at 5:15pm
  • Vespers Worship 5:20-5:35 pm
  • Small Groups 5:40-6:10pm ‘Jazz’ class – led by Ashley Benton

    An ongoing small group for young adults (and the young at heart), the Jazz class will be using clips from ‘Seminary Now’ to launch discussions on a variety of relevant topics.

    ‘Teach Your Children Well’ – Curriculum by Sarah Cowen Johnson, led by Nathan & Chrissy Jennings  (11 sessions)

    How do we parent our kids in ways that lead to lasting faith?  In this course, Sarah Cowan Johnson unpacks how parents can have an active discipleship role in forming their children’s faith, with age-appropriate insights and strategies for different developmental stages. She shows how we can identify God moments, facilitate spiritual encounters, clarify emerging beliefs, and encourage new faith habits in our children.  Filled with exercises and activities for families to do together, this course is an essential resource for discipling children with confidence and creativity.

    Finding our way around the Bible – led by Pastor Brian (6 sessions)

    This group is for the curious, new believers, and anyone interested in building their core understanding of what the Bible is, finding our way around it, and ways to grow in our understanding and application.  From how we got the Bible, how it is put together, the differences in translations, and how to use study tools; this group is part of a larger series on ‘Faith 101’.

  • Shared Meal 6:10-7pm (optional, all welcome) 


Pollinator Habitat Dedication – August 24

Come Celebrate With us!

Saturday, August 24 @ 10am

Our dedication begins with a special presentation by Brett Irwin from Pheasants Forever on the plants and pollinators we anticipate seeing in the field and why they matter.

We will then move outside for a brief dedication and planting activity where everyone is welcome to contribute to the field by creating ‘seed balls’ and tossing them in the field.

Additional activities for all ages include live music, lawn games, crafts and a photo booth.  Refreshments will be provided as well.


About the Pollinator Habitat:

We are excited to share that First Baptist Church is converting the large field on the east of our property to 5.4 acres of native prairie / wildflower pollinator habitat, with a grass border surrounding the field.

Why we’re creating a Pollinator Habitat:

  • To provide an ecological benefit for wildlife and pollinators.
  • To discourage larger groupings of geese.
  • When fully established, it will enhance the beauty of the field through wildflowers and native grasses.
  • By reducing maintenance expenses on an empty lot, we increase our ability to respond to needs in the church and community.

Timeline / What to expect:

To re-establish native grasses and flowers, the ground was prepared in 2023 and spring 2004 by removing the existing grasses and weeds.

The field was seeded with a special mix of native seeds beneficial to pollinators, and when needed, the field will initially be mowed with a high mower to eliminate remaining weeds while the desirable plants are being established.

During the first year, the field will look rough, as native wildflowers can take a year to germinate and become established.     

After the grasses and flowers are fully established, every three years, a controlled burn or mowing will be needed to prevent the encroachment of non-native

grasses and plants, as the city does with prairie restoration areas at Tipton Park.  FBC will be in communication with the city and our neighbors about the timing and process.

A large thanks to our community partners: 

Pheasants Forever: for significant time, instruction, material and financial support.

Illinois Prairie Community Foundation: for grant support and encouragement

McLean County Soil and Water Conservation District: for essential information and support with the planning and process of establishing this project.

Martin Tractor Inc: for providing the tractor and support for the seeding of the field.

Phase One: preparing the field for planting